issues at stake

美 [ˈɪʃuːz æt steɪk]英 [ˈɪʃuːz æt steɪk]
  • 成败攸关的问题
issues at stakeissues at stake
  1. Few voters had any idea of the issues at stake .


  2. They accused him of ducking all the issues at stake .


  3. These seminars will explore the issues at stake and the various solutions found in existing national legislation and contractual practices .


  4. Election day is around the corner , and one of the biggest issues at stake in this campaign is your taxes .


  5. A multilateral approach could be more fruitful , with all countries sharing rights and responsibilities to address the issues at stake .


  6. An optimistic explanation is that this is just a short-term phenomenon which reflects the magnitude of issues at stake .


  7. The issues at stake could hardly be more important – and are vital matters not just for regulators but even more so for world leaders and finance ministers .


  8. Your brief should address the facts of the case , the legal and constitutional issues at stake , the Court 's holding , and its rationale .


  9. He says he hopes that by traveling to places not often visited by artists , he can in some small way draw attention to the issues at stake .


  10. And I 'm quite convinced that across-the-board graduate enrollment expansion would not adequately address the issues at stake here but only devalue the postgraduate education .


  11. What 's wrong , we wanted to know , with seeking allies and presenting a united front when real business issues are at stake ?


  12. when such issues are at stake when crises arise that stir our conscience or push the world in a more dangerous direction


  13. But bigger issues are at stake too , ones that are more political and philosophical in nature : Should any bank be too big to fail ?


  14. Vital issues of principle are at stake . Saddam Hussein is literally trying to wipe a country off the face of the earth .
